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Powerful messages on Instagram: #SkinPositive

Instagrammers own the social influence scene

In a very short period of time, Instagram has become a powerful showcase of lifestyle. As a consequence, controversy arises many times about the veracity of pics shared in this social network. We can affirm: Everything is cool and trendy! For example: Paradise Destinations, perfect bodies, dishes that seem to be taken from a museum… Are they real?  There is no doubt about one thing. Instagrammers have a lot of influence over the users. Fortunately, most of the times they use that influence in positive and acceptance messages. It’s not all as real as it looks and it’s okay to say so from time to time. In fact, Instagramers have powerful messages on Instagram for women struggling with body confidence. The last example: #SkinPositive.

Powerful messages on Instagram

Recently, we have discovered different campaigns on Instagram. They share powerful messages about self confidence, body acceptance…  Their objective is clear: Humanising the content shared on this social network. Not everything is as flawless as it seems and perfection does not exist. On the one hand, there are Instagramers who use humor to denounce this kind of idyllic content. For this reason, we find many accounts that compare fashion photographs with real life pics. Also the photos of expectations/reality are becoming more and more popular. Most of the time, humour and comparison are the best ways of being aware of the absurd.

One of the most hilarious accounts belongs to Celeste Barber. This comedian replicates images of models and celebrities in homemade form. The result is, at least, funny. Not only has she become famous but also she has more than 2.8 million followers on Instagram. Moreover, she has raised her own hashtag #celestechallengeaccepted. This hashtag has achieved 3,312 post and  41,554,361 likes. Crazy, right?

Last example #SkinPositive

A war against the imposted perfection that social networks transmit is on. Cellulite, striations, scars, kilograms and now it is the turn of skin. Many instagramers have shared their pics without makeup or Photoshop and without hiding redness or pimples. Instagram claims reality under the hashtag #skinpositive. As you may already know, Tweet Binder can analyze any hashtag on Instagram. Moreover, it offers the most complete Instagram hashtag analysis. We include all the general stats, eight rankings of users, geolocation and rankings of publications according to the number of likes or comments. In this case, we have created the Instagram report for #skinpositive.

  • Total number of posts: #SkinPositive has 436 posts, 86% of them are images and 14% videos.
  • Number of participants: The hashtag has been shared by 116 users.
  • Likes: 43,316 likes in 436 posts which has an average of 99 likes per post.
  • Impacts: The potential number of times users have seen #SkinPositive: 786,261 in total.
  • Reach: The potential number of people who have seen the hashtag. This campaign reaches 345,121 users.
  • Level of influence: Average of followers per user. The level of influence is 2,975.
  • Penetration level: Each user has shared an average of 3.76 post. It involves a high level of acceptance.

On the other hand, we display the rankings of users. We will be able to check the following information:

Instagram reports also include two rankings of posts (the highest number of likes or comments) and a geolocation map. Finally, we offer two new rankings (Top 10 hashtags and filters). If you need more information about our Instagram reports, contact us. We will be happy to analyze your powerful messages on Instagram.