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X (Twitter) hashtag analytics

Twitter Hashtag Analytics
Create impact reports on hashtags or keywords

Create a hashtag tracker for your campaigns and events

Free Twitter Hashtag Analytics of up to 200 posts from the last 7 days.
By creating your report you accept our Terms and Conditions

One-off Twitterhashtag analytics reports

Discover the Twitter Hashtag Analytics reports and track users with our tracking tools.

You can create Twitter Historical reports or live Twitter analytics.

real time

  • Next 30 days
  • Up to 35,000 posts/report
  • PDF Export


Historical Report

  • Any date range analysis
  • Up to 35,000 posts/report
  • PDF Export


Twitter Hashtag Analytics Worldwide

Many companies (friends) choose Tweet Binder for
their Twitter monitoring of hashtags, cashtags and users.

  • BBDO
  • Coca-Cola
  • Uci
  • Desigual
  • Disney
  • Unicef
  • Google
  • Havas Media
  • Stars Movies HD
  • Imex
  • La Liga
  • Leo Burnet
  • Lonely Planet
  • L'Oreal
  • MTV
  • NBC
  • Ogilvy
  • Pwc
  • Santander
  • Spotify
  • Telefónica
  • La Voice
  • Onu
  • YR

Our clients share theirexperiences with Tweet Binder

These are some of the people who have already
integrated our twitter hashtag analytics reports
into their work tools and here are their opinions.

Looking for a Twitter Hashtag analytics?

Learn how far your data can go with our
twitter hashtag analytics services

1 Events

  • Twitter and Original content
  • 100% customizable design
  • Content curation
  • Twitter real time
  • Final impact report
  • Quick development and easy implementation

See brochure


  • Create your own dashboard
  • Access statistical data
  • Twitter stats
  • Follower evolution
  • Likes tracking
  • Twitter compliant

See brochure

3 Twitter League

  • Create an online match
  • Let fans decide the Twitter line up
  • Fans as an essential part of the match
  • Give value to the social content
  • Include CTAs and gain exposure
  • 100% customizable design

See brochure

4 Partner Program

  • Start making money with Twitter
  • Embed our search box in your site
  • Sell Twitter hashtag analytics products
  • Generate a commission with every purchase
  • Easy to join and implement
  • Total technical support

Know more

The Real twitter impact

Twitter Hashtag Analytics: Tweet Binder

Tweet Binder is the hashtag tracking tool for agencies and marketers. Our Twitter Hashtag Analytics are used by clients all around the world. Thousands of hashtag trackers are created everyday with our social listening platform. We try to listen to all the requests our clients and users make in order to improve our tweet counter. We are all ears when trying to give the most of Twitter’s potential. Tracking hashtags with Tweet Binder is very simple and it will let you know the impact of your campaign. Our Twitter plans have been conceived to fulfill all your needs and to help you to amaze your clients.

Furthermore, we don’t only offer Twitter impact reports. Our hashtag tracking services go beyond that. Twitter impressions and Twitter reach are metrics that help us to create incredible walls for events and custom projects for campaigns. Our Twitter walls, with a full moderation suite, will leave audience speechless. There are endless opportunities when talking about displaying and analyzing Twitter data.This hashtag tracking tool has no limits! From real time hashtag monitoring to Twitter historical data without time limit.

Our clients are a huge part of what we are and the tweet counter that we have developed. Try our hashtag tracking tool or contact us. You will get to know better our plans and services and become a PRO social media reporter.


The Real twitter impact
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