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Tweet Binder

How to get the most out of your Sport event: #SuperTC2000

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Sport events and Social Media is the perfect combination

We all know that most of users consume and enjoy sport events by sharing content on Instagram and Twitter. That’s why it is so important to catch their attention and engage with them. Twitter is the best way to know how supporters are feeling about the games and detect the most faithful ones. #SuperTC2000 customs site proves it!

Moreover, by running real time Twitter statistics you will be able to interact with your fans and make them part of the competition. That is what our friends from Four Winds have done at #SuperTC2000 this season. They have gone further than the Twitter report and they nailed it!

#SuperTC2000 knows how to get the most out of the event

Argentina loves car races and #SuperTC2000 is one of the favorite competitions. 10 different teams and more than thirty pilots compete each weekend across the country. Four Winds wanted to offer the Twitter statistics to the organization but, as we have worked previously with them, they know how to get the most out of Sport events. We created a #SuperTC2000 microsite and the competition took place out of the circuit. They gave its followers the chance to vote for their teams and pilots. On the other hand, the site showed all the general stats and the users pics and transcripts.

#SuperTC2000 microsite: Twitter statistics, rankings, transcripts and pics

The #SuperTC2000 microsite was divided on five parts based on our Instagram statistics and Twitter report. On the top, we showed a counter with the general stats: number of tweets and RTs sent using the hashtag, number of users and potential impacts.

Secondly, we created the Rankings modules: Ranking of teams, pilots and users. The users could vote for their favorite team directly from the microsite via Twitter. It was possible to choose the message and mention the sponsors and users through it. By doing this, the client easily empowers the activity on Twitter. This is the main goal talking about Sport Events and Twitter.

Thanks to our exclusive technology, Tweet Binder is able to sort all the tweets by any criteria you need. In that case, we have created binders based on the number of mentions each pilot received. Therefore, we could show the ranking of pilots in real time. We also displayed the most active users according to the number of tweets they sent. It is important to remember that all the stats appear in the Twitter report too.

Finally, they decided to include all the pics and transcripts with #SuperTC2000. User generate content by themselves so, why don’t we take advantage of it? Moreover, we can include sponsors and claims to obtain more engagement.

Keep your stats and ranking forever thanks to our Twitter report

It is very important to know which metrics have to be considered for the analysis. Every custom project is based on our Twitter report so you will obtain the complete analysis. As the organizers of #SuperTC2000 did. You will receive the infographic, advanced and excel version. As you already know, the Twitter report offers a complete picture of the main stats.

Now it is your time to go further than the simple stats. Are you running a sport event? We will be more than happy to listen to your idea at