Real time hashtag tracking for #SageSessions
At Tweet Binder, each month is full of different events taking place all around the world. Our clients contact us every day asking about adding a Social Wall to the venue of their events. Social walls are the perfect solution to engage with the audience. By doing a hashtag real time analysis you can display it on big screens. One of the latest clients to trust us with a Tweet Wall has been @SageSpain. Each year we develop a Tweet Wall for them to display real time content of the hashtag of their event.
To analyze a hashtag in real time is key to see how the event is going on Twitter. With a hashtag real time report you will have immediate access to the Twitter statistics. If you are PRO in Tweet Binder you can create a real time analysis very quickly. You just have to follow these steps:
- Go to
- Type the name of your collection
- Select the option “Start tracker”
- Type the hashtag you need to track
- Click on “Create empty collection”
Once you have followed these simple steps the tool will start analyzing the hashtag in real time. This means that each time someone publishes a tweet with the hashtag it will immediately go inside the report. But do not worry, if you do not own a PRO plan at Tweet Binder you can always request your real time hashtag analysis from here.
#SageSessions – Hashtag real time analytics
Once we know how to create a real time hashtag report, we are able to dive in the analytics of a report. For this year’s event, the client needed to track the hashtag #SageSessions in language Spanish. When a hashtag is used worldwide, it is better to neat down the analysis filtering the tweets by language. This kind of filter is not only available when tracking a hashtag in real time but in every kind of Tweet Binder report. The event took place on March 15th in Madrid. So the stats we are going to analyze are only for that day.
The hashtag #SageSessions in Spanish received 5,605 tweets from 641 users on March 15th. These tweets generated a total of 12,029,499 potential impressions and had a potential reach of 1,791,191 users.
Real time analysis and display for SageSummit and SageConecta
Tweet Binder receives each month lots of contact forms asking for information about developing a Social Media Wall for an event. This shows that the interest in displaying the content shared on real time by social media users is increasing day by day. To analyze what assistants to your event are saying on Twitter or Instagram is as important as letting them know that they are being heard.
Tinkle Spain knows that importance and that is why they never doubted about installing a tweetwall for the event they were organizing for @SageSpain. Every summit hosted by Sage has huge repercussion on Social Media. They are very keen on organizing huge events and never putting assistants to it aside. Not only they installed a Social Wall but they also threw a Twitter contest giving away a Samsung Galaxy S8.
Analytics – #SageSummit & #SageConecta
As in every Sage summit, they needed to track the hashtag #SageSummit. Tweet Binder allows you to choose the language you want to track so, as the event was hosted in Spain, they needed to track tweets in Spanish. Also, for the Twitter contest they held, they used the hashtag #SageConecta. Stats for these hashtags have been completely astonishing. They received 13,577 tweets from 1,585 users generating 21,250,416 impressions just the day of the event.
Furthermore, Tweet Binder allows you to classify the information in binders. For this event, as they were tracking two different hashtags, this feature came in very handy because the client was able to see the impact and reach of each hashtag without altering the general stats of the report.
With Tweet Binder’s reports you can get up to 11 rankings of users and most used hashtags or most mentioned accounts. To know who is the most popular user at your event is as interesting as knowing who has received more mentions. At #SageSummit, we see that the most popular users (by number of followers) were:
- Risto Mejide, @ristomejide: 2,811,226 followers
-, @mkdirecto: 341,910 followers
- Alertas de Trabajo, @AlertasTrabajo: 179,947 followers
- TodoStartups, @todostartups: 163,853 followers
- Wave, @WaveApplication: 124,024 followers
Whereas the most mentioned users were:
- @SageSpain 737 mentions
- @ristomejide 473 mentions
- @luispardo1 355 mentions
- @Yoriento 100 mentions
- @sagefoundation 62 mentions
Social Media Wall for Twitter
For this particular event, we had to design a vertical social wall. With Tweet Binder’s own software we are able to develop almost anything. Having said this, a vertical wall was no challenge for us. We displayed:
- Tweets with text or with images
- Most active and most popular user rankings
With our moderation feature the content displayed on the social wall is completely accurate. You can approve or reject tweet by tweet but you are also able to approve or reject users. This way, once you have approved a user you won’t have to moderate any of his tweets. Same thing happens with trolls. If you detect a user that is tweeting bad content about your event or your client you can mute him so none of his tweets will appear on the wall.
#SageSessions is just another proof of how Tweet Binder’s Tweet Walls help you engaging with your audience. If you are having an event do not hesitate and contact us know so that we can help you to create Social Walls. Our team will design the wall according to your event’s image so that everything is aligned. Our doors are open 24/7, do as #SageSessions and display your hashtag in real time!
Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.