Tweet Binder is once again chosen by Pamplona’s town hall to measure all the Twitter activity about San Fermin
Even though it seemed impossible, #SanFermin2017 has had more tweets than in 2016. Tweet Binder has been for several years the official Social Media monitoring tool in charged of measuring the impact and reach of the San Fermin festival on Twitter. A real time report is created to track the main keywords and official hashtags related to the festival. These stats are presented two days before San Fermin ends, specifically every 12 of July.
A press release made by Pamplona’s Town Hall indicates that this year the #SanFermin2017 festival generated 303,340 tweets since the 5th of July until the 12th of the same month. These numbers are a 20% higher than last year on the same date. The thing here is that the festival does not end until the 14th so there were lots of tweets left to be shared. By the end of San Fermin the number was 365,946 tweets.
Terms to track
The hashtags and keywords that were tracked during the ten days of San Fermin were:
- #SF17
- #SF2017
- #Sanfermin
- #Sanfermin2017
- #Sanfermin17
- San Fermín 17
- Pamplona
- Iruñea
- Iruña
- chupinazo
- txupinazo
- encierro
- #NOesNO
- #sfsuperpoderes
- #pamplonalibre
- #iruñeaberditasunean
- #erasosexistarikez
These are the terms included in the reports and that generate a very complete and accurate seek. The list of words to track each year is very similar, some hashtags are kept from year to year and some new ones are included. Of course, the year is changed in each one of them.
Greater reach in 2017
Among all the Twitter numbers and stats that we have analyzed for #SanFermin2017 we want to highlight its reach. Let’s remember that the reach is kind of the audience, the potential number of people that could have seen something about #SanFermin2017 in their timelines. Well, if we compare the reach of 2016 with 2017 we see that it has increased in 146 millions of people. This is due to two main factors:
- Growth in the number of users: from 138,000 in 2016 to 152,000 in 2017
- Growth in the number of followers of the most popular accounts: There are several accounts on Twitter with millions of followers that in 2016 had less than in 2107. For instance, @The Economist had in 2016 14 millions of followers and in 2017 it has 21. This adds an important amount of new users to this years reach.
Twitter was more alive than ever
We have witnessed how Twitter gurus said the words “Twitter is dead”. Well, after seeing the stats for San Fermin the real question should be if it is not true that Twitter is more alive than ever. Where do users go to talk about whats going on during San Fermin? Which Social Network is chosen by users to discuss their opinions about the festival? Clue: its logo is a bird.
The growth in the number of tweets, impacts and users is astonishing. This does not means that most of the things tweeted about San Fermin are good. Actually, most of the tweets shared are pretty much the contrary of what San Fermin really is.
To sum up, it is safe to say that Twitter has been, once again, the best network to read and share news about San Fermin.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.