Get your Tweet Binder analytics in Spanish
Tweet Binder continues improving! My team and I have been learning Spanish lately and we are pleased to introduce you the new Spanish version of! Now, we are able to get complete analytics and share all your Twitter reports in Spanish with just one click. Let’s practice a little!
As you know, our analytical feature is capable of tracking any hashtag, term, keyword or account on Twitter. Reports are made with all the information and include all the info you need in order to have really complete insights of your campaign or event. These reports offer complete stats and rankings and you will be able to consult them in Spanish (and share them with your client too). Tweet Binder is Spanish is as complete as the English version.
The same data, now translated
Now it’s your turn to try this new feature. Maybe you or your clients need the main stats in English, Spanish or both languages. It doesn’t matter because you can change the language whenever you need. Feel free to contact us if you need more info and don’t forget that Tweet Binder allows you to customize all your reports by choosing your logo, your branded color and background. What’s better, you pay once and it lasts until forever!
Tweet Binder Spanish version
From now on, you can get your Twitter analytics reports in Spanish. The steps to access Tweet Binder in Spanish remain the same. So, how we create a Twitter report? Easy:
- Log in with a Twitter account in
- Write the hashtag, account, keyword… you need to analyze
- Wait and check your report
The report will be accesible in your collections panel. The free reports analyze up to 500 tweets. However, Tweet Binder can analyze any tweet from any time with its reports. In Spanish and English. Enter Tweet Binder and start analyzing Twitter data.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.