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Learn how to obtain Twitter analytics reports for any of your hashtags, terms or keywords. Tweet Binder is a hashtag counter that allows any user to obtain Twitter analytics for free and any client to obtain complete Twitter insights.
In this category you will find posts about all the Twitter metrics and everything you can do with them. From creating reports to learning how to use the advanced Twitter search operators.
With the free Twitter analytics that Tweet Binder offers, a user can obtain up to 500 tweets on any hashtag, term or keyword. These tweets are from the last 7 to 10 days.
However, with the Tweet Binder PRO version a client can go beyond those limits. They can run historical reports, search tweets by date, access old tweets and event look for someone else’s tweets. Also, clients can analyze tweets in real time. This means that, by activating a Twitter stream all the tweets containing the analyzed hashtag will immediately go inside the report. These type of Twitter reports are very useful for forecast events and marketing campaigns.
What makes Tweet Binder’s Twitter analytics unique is that they allow their clients to create binders. With binders, the information inside a report can be sorted and classified. It is very easy to create a binder. A client just need to decide a name for it and add the filter that need to be applied. There is no limits on how many binders can be created nor on how many filters can be applied.