Here you will find information about your program membership. If you have any questions do not hesitate and contact us:
With every purchase you can get a commission of 15%. This commission is generated when two conditions are met:
The commission is generated each month and has to be at least of 100$.
You should have received the link to the plugin in the email you received when you became a partner. Please, check your inbox and download the plugin from there.
You can also download it from here:
If you have any questions regarding the plugin, you can reach us at
Yes, you can. The line of code you should paste in your website is in the email you received when you signed up as a partner.
You can copy and paste it from here as well. You will need to replace the XXXX-XXXX-XXXX with your affiliate ID:
Please, check that email and look for the code there. If you can not find it do not hesitate to contact us at
Yes, you can embed our products module. By doing this you will allow your visitors to purchase Tweet Binder products straight from your site. These purchases will be associated with your affiliate ID and will generate commission as well.
Here is the code to insert the products in your website:
You just need to change the XXX-XXX-XXX for your affiliate ID and the phrase “PRODUCT ID” for the following product IDs:
report-twitter-7-day | Twitter report that analyzes the past 7 days and gives up to 10,000 tweets |
report-twitter-30-day | Twitter report that analyzes the past 30 days and gives up to 35,000 tweets |
report-twitter-historical | Twitter report that analyzes any time period in the past and gives up to 140,000 tweets |
report-twitter-live | Twitter report that analyzes tweets in streaming and is active for one month |
report-instagram-historical | Analyzes one hashtag on Instagram |
You just need to send us an email to telling us that you want to exit the program and explaining the reason why. In the next 24-48 hours, you will receive an email confirming your exit.