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Tweet Binder API

Welcome to the Tweet Binder API, we are very happy that you consider integrating our API into our systems to obtain statistical information from Twitter. From Tweet Binder we have worked very hard on an API that allows us to extract valuable statistics from Twitter.


Our API will allow you to obtain the best statistical data while being Twitter compliant and respecting all its guidelines. You will be able to create historical and real-time reports to find out everything that happens around your brand or your customers. The Tweet Binder API takes care of everything and makes it possible for you to get the data you need instantly.


You can either start working with our API now by contacting us using the form at the end of this page or keep on reading to get more info, we can teach you how to implement it although it’s quite easy!


Given a hashtag or a keyword, you will be able to get complete and unique statistics about it. Impact, number of tweets, sentiment, rankings, etc.


The API plans can include any type of reports in the Tweet Binder suite. From the API the clients can run searches in real time or historically for keywords and terms.


Accounts and followers can be analyzed with the Tweet Binder API. Detect when an accounts has started following another account or when they have unfollowed someone.

Compliance policy

Tweet Binder is 100% Twitter compliant, which means that in order to access data, you must follow Twitter guidelines and limitations. No exceptions.


Tweet Binder’s API can track mentions to accounts as well as the evolution of those accounts in terms of followers, lists or mentions. It works historically!

How do I start?

Contact us today for information about our API. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and let’s get started! We’ll reply in less than 12 hours.

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The Real twitter impact
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